Spring makes me feel this way

It makes me feel like I need to tidy, organize, or overhaul everything in my life. My house, my clothes, my physical stuff and my digital stuff. Stuff! It helps if I organize my thoughts before I attempt to organize too many things at once.

  • Foremost on my mind today is my upcoming shop update! I have some Art Surprise Packs that I am excited to list.

  • However, I also am really itching to update this website! It’s looked the same for so long, and there are much better tools available to me to update the look and feel of this space now! I think the correct order here is shop update first, website overhaul next.

  • One thing I did successfully organize (partially) is my desk. Piles of papers and unfinished projects were growing like mold. I put things back in their places and it’s so much better now. I think it’s ok to let things accumulate in a workspace if it helps not to break a creative train of thought, but that’s not what was happening. It was just messy.

So much better!!!

  • A few months ago I cataloged most of my wardrobe into the Indyx app. Now I can put together outfits on my phone and track how often I wear things. Using Indyx has been so much fun and also very practical. I have so many items of clothing that I love and I am finally getting more wear out of things I was saving (saving for what???). This deserves its own post, so keep an eye out!

  • We haven’t been in this house for even a year yet, but I feel like I could fill a few garbage bags with stuff I’d like to get rid of. By that I mean sneaking things out of my kids’ rooms and into the trash.

So first on the list is a shop update. Here’s a peek at an Art Surprise Pack! This is basically all you get to see unless you adopt one!

Packs include at least one original drawing, paper scraps, ephemera, randomness.

As always you can sign up for my newsletter for updates!

Paper plus paper

Collage! That's what paper plus paper is, in this case. I've started incorporating cut paper into my works, which I'll write more about at some point.

What I've learned so far from this piece is be very careful with black paper because little fibers will get into any damp part of the surrounding watercolor paper and bleed their dye in tiny spots.

A home on the internet

It’s time to make a little home on the internet.

I’ve had a few homes for me and my art on the internet. The first home was deviantArt. I would use a scanner in my school’s computer lab to scan my work so I could post it on deviantArt. Then I started noticing people leaving messages on their profiles, saying they were leaving for Tumblr. That was my next home, too, and it was truly a wonderful home for me for years. I made my first internet friends, some of whom I follow on other platforms to this day! Then I had kids and could not keep up with making art, and certainly not with gaming the algorithms that came to dominate while I was busy living my real, important, mothering life. So now I post my art on Instagram. I had 30,000 followers on Tumblr. I have fewer than 900 on Instagram. I can’t and won’t feed that beast or try to game any algorithm.

But I still want to share my art with whoever cares to look at it. Social media platforms will come and go (did you try Artfol like me, only to be disappointed?) but I have a feeling that personal websites and the blogs within them might actually become the best home.

So thanks for coming to visit me here. Maybe I will enjoy updating my website? Maybe I’ll enjoy blogging a little bit? I’m a fan of people actively opting in to my content (that word, pfff) instead of it just drifting by in an endless scroll. Here’s the first blog post. More to come. <3
